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Help for Ratings:
How do I rate a resource?

There are two ways to rate a resource in AMSER. Resources may be rated directly from the AMSER front page or by searching or browsing for the record. After locating the record, display the full record by clicking More Info and you will find the ratings section at the bottom of the screen. After rating the resource, you must click the rate button to save the rating. You must be logged into AMSER in order to rate resources.

Why is it important that I rate resources?

When you rate resources you give the AMSER Portal more information to help provide you with better recommendations. In addition, ratings tell users which resources other users have found helpful. The more users provide ratings, the more valuable the Portal becomes to the user community.

Can other users see what I rated a resource?

No. Only the cumulative rating and number of responses are shown to other users. However, on the More Info screen you will be able to see your ratings for the resource.

Can I rate something more than once?

You cannot provide more than one rating for a selected resource; however, you can change your rating.

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